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Imagine this: it’s Friday morning and you’re racing against time to finish your dreaded college assignment or office work. While working, you’re mentally scolding yourself for not starting the assignment sooner and procrastinating about it till the very end. 🥲

Guess what… you’re not alone in this struggle. Just like you, your friends, family and colleagues also struggle with deadlines. However, the important thing to note here is – how did you lose track of time and your focus?

Why couldn’t you complete the task as you intended to? Was it the unintentional coffee breaks or the guilty pleasure of skipping work and going out with friends?

Whatever the case may be, it will be comforting for you to learn that everyone has procrastinated in some way or another in their life. The key is to acknowledge when you’re procrastinating and not let it consume your time. In this blog, we’ll dive further into how to stop procrastinating and manage your workload both efficiently and effectively.

How to stop procrastinating

Repeat after me: ” I will not let procrastination get in the way of my productivity”. There are plenty of ways to develop healthy productive habits.

All you need to do is imbibe the following learnings in your everyday life and learn to plan your work in a better manner. Let’s take a look at the following points that will help you to stop avoiding discomfort and deal with procrastination.

1.    Accept that you have a habit of procrastinating

The first step towards getting rid of your habit of procrastination is to realise that you have this habit. However, a point to note here is that if you’re rescheduling your workload due to any genuine reason such as health issues or personal problems, then it doesn’t fall under the category of procrastination.

Take some time out, focus on your health then get back to it.

When you start putting off your tasks indefinitely because you want to avoid working for a while, that is called procrastination.

Certain situations can lead to this if your day is filled to the brim with low-priority level tasks, you can’t seem to make a decision about your emails, or you’re busy focusing on other unimportant tasks.

It’s easy to get caught off guard when you’re trying to pay attention. Do any of these examples hit home to you?

Start tidying your room 👉 end up finding a book you haven’t seen in a long time and spend the rest of the day reading it.

Start working on a deadline for work 👉 Get caught up rewatching your favourite episode from Breaking Bad

The alarm goes off for you to start your productive day 👉 Spend the next two hours in bed scrolling Twitter

If so, keep reading.

2.  Discover why you’re procrastinating

To do away with your habit of procrastination, the next step is to understand why you’re procrastinating.

Is it because you find the given task to be boring? Is it because you’re scared to take on the task? 😨

If it’s the former, then it will be helpful for you to take certain measures to get the task done quickly so that you can enjoy the rest of the day attending to what you love doing. Whether it’s bribing yourself that you’re going to buy that dress you’ve been eyeing for the past 2 weeks if you can complete the task in 2 hours or getting a cheeky takeaway! 🍔

You may also get into the habit of procrastination if you have poor organizational skills. In such a case, make a to-do list and prioritize your tasks accordingly.

Want to become a pro at creating to-do lists and creating meaningful goals you can’t wait to execute? Well my friend, you’re in luck.


The How to set goals and achieve them 4-week mini-course. It helps you do exactly what it says on the tin. This mini-course was designed to help you practice what you preach by giving you daily tasks to implement. Ready to do what you’ve always said you were going to do? Click the button below 👇

3.    Break down your tasks

Getting overwhelmed by big tasks is a serious issue for everyone. You see the task as a whole and wonder how on Earth am I going to get all of that done. The answer: One step at a time. If you want to know how to stop procrastinating when you have a big job ahead of you, then you have to break down your workload into smaller tasks.

Think of those smaller tasks as building blocks to your end goal.

Then continue to focus on just one small task at a time. If you still find yourself procrastinating even after breaking down your workload into smaller tasks, then break down the tasks even more.

Sooner than not, you’ll find yourself thinking how simple it was to get done! A great thing about this technique is that it helps make your workload manageable and lets you focus on channelising your abilities to get the job done easily. 🙂

4.    Change your working environment

Your productivity can change drastically with a change in environment. This is especially true in a work-from-home situation wherein you’re forced to operate from the same desk and chair all day long. 🖥️

How to stop procrastinating

Doing the same mundane everyday tasks without any change of environment can make you feel low on energy. Therefore, changing your workspace is a great alternative to break this vicious procrastinating cycle and improve your productivity again.

A workplace environment that used to excite and inspire you earlier might lose its touch after a while.

Therefore, it is important to change up your workplace environment here and there. 🪴

It doesn’t have to be a drastic change, it could be something simple like switching your small desk to a larger one that moves up and down that allows you to work standing up.

5.    Reward even the smallest accomplishments

I’m going to need you to start applauding yourself for achieving even the simplest and the smallest tasks in a day. To achieve anything big means that you took small, important steps along the way and that’s important to recognise.

In fact, you’d be surprised to learn that the human brain is wired to work better on a reward system. 🧠

Therefore, once you accomplish even a small task from your workload, then take some time out to reward yourself. Whether that’s with your favorite food or take a 10-minute coffee break or watch an episode of your favorite show.

If you don’t want to reward yourself after every task, then you can even try rewarding yourself after you’re done with your entire to-do list for the day. This will help you feel better about your productivity and also make you feel proud about what you’ve achieved! 😃

6.    Reduce the number of decision-making tasks

Having to make too many decisions throughout your day is another major reason behind procrastination.

Having too many questions in your mind about your day will compel you to find answers that will ultimately make you feel tired and lose self-control. Therefore, what you can try and do is make certain decisions ahead of time. 🗒️

For example, if you plan on hitting the gym early the next morning, then plan out your outfit the day before. You can even plan out the most important tasks that need to be done the following day and make a schedule for them accordingly. 📝

What is important to learn here is that reducing the number of decisions you have to make when you wake up, makes your life a lot simpler and more effective.

P.S Have you taken our short quiz yet? 👉 What does success mean to you?

7.    Don’t overcomplicate your tasks

Do you have a task that needs to be done pretty soon but you’re searching for the perfect time to get on with it? Well, I hate to break this to you but there’s never a perfect time to get a job done. 🤷‍♀️

Granted, there can be a better time than others but perfect? Nah.

And if you keep wasting your time searching for it, then it will be impossible for you to achieve anything, let alone anything worthwhile. One of the biggest reasons behind procrastination is perfectionism.

Realise that there’s always room for improvement in a task and creating something real should be rewarding enough. 😌

8.    Catch a break

Lastly, you need to stop being too hard on yourself. 🙅‍♀️

If you’re having a hard time tackling your habit of procrastination, then it’s important to give yourself a break.

Having a low motivation to work on top of being too hard on yourself can further degrade your productivity. 🙃

Therefore, you must try to reschedule your tasks, give yourself a little rejuvenation break and then get back on track the following day. Running yourself into the ground is not the answer.

The Bottom Line

Remember that nobody can procrastinate their way to success and if you want to achieve your dreams, then it’s time for you to acknowledge your pitfalls and create ways to get rid of them.

If you want to learn how to stop procrastinating and improve your productivity and effectiveness at the workplace, then begin imbibing the above habits from today and watch yourself blossom into the person you know you are capable of becoming. 🥰

Pin this post for a reminder 📌 👇

how to stop procastinating

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I'm Heather, your Success Coach

I believe that having an intentional daily routine is the cornerstone of living a fulfilling and purposeful life. Is it easy? Heck no. Is it worth it? Heck Yes.

My job is to help you stop playing small and reprogram your limiting beliefs so that you don’t waste your life away trying to fit into a box made for someone else.

In this corner of the internet, I share my best transformational secrets, mindset tools and productivity hacks to get you clear on your ideal life.

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