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Our Spirituality bundle includes both The Spiritual Journal and The law of Attraction Manifesting Planner.

The Spiritual Journal

This Spiritual Journal is designed to help you feel more connected to yourself and your spirituality. By completing these worksheets and templates you'll gain more clarity about where you are, how you feel, where you want to go and the steps to get there.

If you’re feeling lost and confused about where you are in your life spiritually then this journal is the guide that you need.

The Law of Attraction Manifesting Planner

 Want to unleash the power of your mind to attract all your wants and desires in life? Well, then you need to get your thoughts and visualisations on paper!

This planner emphasizes mindset work, as for you to truly manifest what you want, you have to wholeheartedly believe that you deserve it. No wishy-washy “I hope that I can..” Nope. YOU CAN AND YOU WILL.

Features include:

✔   Worksheets
✔   Templates
✔   40+ Pages

Spirituality Bundle

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List Of Attractions, Daily Manifest Worksheet, 10 Day Journal Challenge, My Goals Worksheet, Should Into Must Worksheet, The Wheel Of Life Part 1 & 2, Mindful Choices Worksheet, Limiting Beliefs Worksheet, Belief - Results Cycle x2, Fixed vs Growth Mindset, Working On My Mindset Worksheet, Yearly Vision Worksheet, Weekly Success Planner, Positive Habits Worksheet, New Habits Worksheet, Building Habits Worksheet, Escaping Your Comfort Zone x2, Manifesting Worksheet, Habit Tracker &Extra Notes Paper

Look at all theese goodies!

Take a look at what's inside!

The Spiritual Journal

The Law of Attraction Manifesting Planner

Self-Assessment, Affirmations, To-do list, One Page Spiritual journal, Weekly gratitude, Personal Daily Tracker, Monthly Spiritual Plans Calendar, Spiritual Habit Tracker, 10 Day Spiritual Challenge, Spiritual Goal Checklist, Goal Setting x 2, My Inspiration, My Spirituality, Sacred Space, H.O.P.E Assessment, Vision Board & Extra Notes paper

Look at all theese goodies!

- Hope Obeng

"This is exactly what I was looking for. I'm so glad I found this! Thank you so much for creating it."

- Haley Spok

"If I could give this more than 5 stars than I would. This planner was exactly what I needed. I appreciate it so much! "


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Add to cart — $35

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